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General questions

General FAQs about the program.

Find all you need to know before you join the iX Management Consulting program.

Do I need prior skills or work experience to do iX?

No. This program is designed for students with little to no experience in Management Consulting. Your pre-course work before the 8-week summer program starts gets you up to speed and on the same level as other program participants, so that we can hit the ground running on day one. We often have majors from every corner of a university doing the consulting program, as the career path caters to students from a variety of backgrounds.

Can I balance this program with other summer commitments?

Yes! In a 2022 survey, we found that around 60% of iX program participants do this program in conjunction with 1 or 2 other summer plans, such as summer classes or even another internship. As you can see from the Day in the Life pack, you have class once a day during the bootcamp period, and things are fairly flexible during the remote internship. That said, make sure that you have enough time available to give to the iX program so that you can get the most out of it by the end.

Who are the instructors and what will I learn in the bootcamp course?

The iX instructors are industry experts that have worked for consulting firms such as Bain, BCG, Accenture, Deloitte, and McKinsey. Because of this, our students get exclusive teaching, coaching, and mentorship from exceptional people they would normally not have access to. An example of a teacher who has taught many of the iX consulting programs is Byron Ascott-Evans, an ex-McKinsey manager. In this video, Byron talks about what students learn in the iX Consulting program, and why it’s so important to learn these skills from real veterans of the industry, and not from the internet.

What success have iX alumni had after this program?

Our Wall of Love speaks for itself! Chris also puts it very well, speaking about how he went from iX, to McKinsey, to starting his own company. There are 1000s of stories like these, and we’re excited to keep growing our impact!

How can I convince my parents to invest in this program?

We know that the decision to do iX may be a decision you make with your parents. We encourage you to send them this info pack so they have all the information, and can help you decide if this is the right investment for your summer given your career goals and recruiting timelines. We are happy to schedule a call with your parents if they’d like to discuss the program in more detail.

Client project placement

FAQs about the client project placement process.

Get a better understanding of how the client project placement process works.

iX selects and partners with companies around the world.

During the year, our education team recruits and vets companies for our online client project partner network. These clients are chosen based on their ability to provide a project at the right level, and their ability to dedicate management time to provide you and your fellow students with guidance during your remote project (which is represented as an internship on your resume and LinkedIn). We work with our partner clients to design projects that specifically match your bootcamp curriculum so you're able to deliver high-impact work.

You preference companies to work with.

When you begin your consulting bootcamp with iX, your instructors will introduce you to the available companies and project briefs. You'll be given an opportunity to research the clients, evaluate the briefs, and express your placement preferences (your first, second, and third choice). Because our partner network and curricula evolve from year to year, we can't release a list of partner clients and project briefs before the start of the program. The clients shown in our info materials are those we've worked with in the past.

Your instructors match you to the best-fit client project.

After you submit your preferences to your teachers during the program, your teachers will make the match. The matches are based on student preferences, and instructors also take into account engagement and performance in the online classes, your demonstrated ability to collaborate, and client industry preferences. Generally speaking, 85% of students receive their first or second preference of company to work with.

You rock your client project with the support you need.

Apply and develop your skills in the real world by working on a project, with continued remote support from our teaching team and client project manager. In order to ensure strong integration of teaching and practical deliverables, two days a week will be spent in the virtual classroom learning new concepts and reviewing progress against those deliverables. This provides an exciting opportunity to positively impact a client, with the support you need to ensure maximum success.

Client project experience

FAQs about what the client project is like.

Find out what you can expect from the client project by reading these commonly asked questions.

What is it like to work remotely?

An online work experience (which will essentially be like a remote internship) is just like an in-office-style internship, with the obvious exception that you will not be commuting into the office each day. Projects are specifically scoped to be the same in complexity, length, content and duration as an in-office experience, with the added benefit of a comprehensive support structure in the shape of daily check ins from your dedicated Teaching Team mentor, and twice-weekly check ins from your company manager.

What tools will we use to collaborate?

You will use tools such as Zoom and Slack for enhanced remote team collaboration. Your Teaching Assistant will check in with your team daily on a Zoom conference call. You will also have a dedicated Slack channel with your internship team and your Teaching Assistant who will respond to any queries on this channel within 12 hours. In addition, you may learn to use other collaboration tools specific to your client project.

What will my weekly schedule be?

For three days every week, you will work on your client project, in your assigned team as well as individually. You will have daily check-ins on your progress on your project from your Teaching Assistant who will also be on hand to answer any questions you might have. Two days a week you will have class in the virtual classroom with your Head Teacher, your Teaching Assistant, and all your 20-30 classmates. Twice a week, your client will check in with your team - together with your Teaching Assistant - to answer questions you might have about your project, as well as to check on the direction that your project is taking, and brainstorm with your team on any challenges you might be having.

How can I get help if my team is stuck?

There are a number of avenues for you to reach out for help if your team is stuck. You will have daily check-ins with your dedicated Teaching Assistant, as well twice-weekly check-ins from your client. You will also have a dedicated Teaching Assistant who will respond to any of your questions within 12 hours via your internship team’s Slack channel. And you can always reach out to the iX Education Manager for any issues you might be experiencing, whether they have to do with your teamwork, or anything else.