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March 28, 2018

How to Present Like a Pro: 3 Steps You Need to Follow

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A good presentation about storytelling. Sure, you might have all the right data, but unless you can weave it into a compelling tale, and effectively communicate your desired outcome with your audience, your hard work might lead to little else than death by powerpoint.

Jaco Spies, our Head Teacher for Management Consulting 2018, has broken down the 3 steps you need to follow to ensure success.

We've summarised his points in the infographic below (download and print it if you like), but take a look at these additional tips to make the most of your next preso.

On Defining the Situation

You need to write down your objective. Limit it to one sentence, Make sure it's realistic and ensure that it leads to action.

Consider your decision makers. How interested are they? What’s at stake? How do they absorb material? Try and craft your presentation around their interests.

People get bored. Make sure you start and finish on time. Avoid an APK (Anxious Parade of Knowledge).

When determining your medium, think about printed copies – ideal for smaller groups, white boards – but beware of turning your back to audience, and PowerPoint. If you're using slides, keep the design simple and the special effects to a minimum.

On Good Storytelling

Image sourced from

Make it interesting. Can you pitch the story in 30 seconds? Imagine your presentation as an advert or visual if it helps. Check out this McDonald's advert to see what we mean.

The Storyline

A great story has a situation, complication, and resolution. Make sure that there is intrigue and something unexpected. You don't want to bore your audience with a meaningless show and tell.

Plan the Ending

Summarise the major points of your presentation. Spell out the recommendation. Add an action that indicates how and when the recommendation will be implemented. Ask for agreement and commitment. Close off with the next steps.

Hone your presentation skills in our Management Consulting course, available in Lisbon or Cape Town this summer. Spots are filling up fast, so make sure to apply to be considered for the final spaces.

Steps to a Successful Presentation.png

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